Twenty-Four Hour Notice Resolution
Pursuant to C.R.S. 24-6-402 (2) (c): A resolution to post the 24-hour notice of the agenda at the Golden Gate Fire Protection District website through-out 2023
Agendas will be posted on the Golden Gate Fire Protection District website
Pursuant to C.R.S. 32-1-903 (1): A notice of the locations for the schedule of the regular district board meetings for the Golden Gate Fire Protection District for 2023 is to be posted.
Board Meetings Start at 7:00PM
Locations as follows:
- January; April; July; October = Station #81 Robinson Hill
- February; May; August; November = Station #82 Crawford Gulch
- March; June; September; December = Golden Gate Grange (next to Station #83)
All board meetings are subject to change to online/phone-in.
(Weather or Covid may require a change)
Zoom Links and phone-in numbers will be posted on the GGFPD website
Meeting Dates and Locations
Third Thursday of every month
- January 19 Station #81 Robinson Hill
- February 16 Station #82 Crawford Gulch Pension Board @ 6:30pm Board of Directors @ 7:00pm
- March 16 Station #83/Grange Hall
- April 20 Station #81 Robinson Hill
- May 18 Station #82 Crawford Gulch
- June 15 Station #83/Grange Hall
- July 20 Station #81 Robinson Hill
- August 17 Station #82 Crawford Gulch Pension Board @ 6:30pm Board of Directors @ 7:00pm
- September 21 Station #83/Grange Hall
- October 19 Station #81 Robinson Hill
- November 16 Station #82 Crawford Gulch
- December 07 Station #83/Grange Hal