Qualified district members elect the board of directors of Golden Gate Fire Protection District. The Board adheres to Colorado statutes for the operation of Special District Boards. Board members are elected to four-year terms. To qualify to vote or run for a board seat a person must be a registered voter in the state of Colorado and either: (1) own or be the spouse of an owner of taxable real or property within the District, (2) be a resident of the District for not less than thirty days or (3) be a person obligated to pay taxes under a contract to purchase taxable property located within the District.
The Board of Directors hold regular monthly meetings. All meetings are open to the public, with the times and locations of all meetings posted on the fire stations and at the Jefferson county administration building as required by law.
The Golden Gate Fire Protection District Federal Tax ID is 31-1664329.
You may contact the Board at Board@GoldenGateFire.org or each member individually.
Board Meeting Schedule
The GGFPD board of directors normally meets on the third Thursday of every month. Odd numbered months at Station #81 at 32360 Robinson Hill Road. Even numbered months at Station #82 at 7181 Crawford Gulch Road. Visit our home page for the most recent meeting schedule.
Board Members
Deb Curlee – President
Term: 2022-2025
Email Deb
Niffy Ovuworie – Vice-President / Treasurer
Term 2022-2025
Email Niffy
Marith Reheis – Secretary
Term: 2023-2027
Email Marith
Dave Primmer
Term 2023-2027
Email Dave
Steve Green
Term: 2022-2025
- Understand and follow State regulations for Special Districts
- File required fiscal reports including mill levy certification and annual budget
- Operate District according to Colorado open meeting and records laws
- Create and update Policies for the District
- Provide proper and adequate insurance for Volunteers
- Ensure governmental immunity for Volunteers
- Appoint and supervise Fire Chief
- Provide a safe environment for Volunteers
- As part of Pension Board, oversee Pension program for volunteers
- Protect District assets
- Provide safe, effective emergency response services to all residents
- Manage tax budget lawfully and effectively
- Plan for the future – strategic planning
- Seek and obtain grants and donations to build District capabilities
- Respond to information requests (other Government agencies, insurance companies, other Districts, general public)
- Keep District residents informed (Newsletter, community meetings)
- Participate in multi-District activities including the Communications Authority
- Maintain contact and good relations with neighboring Districts
- Maintain good relationship with State Forest Service
- Respond to resident concerns
- Promote fire safety & defensible spa
To maintain order and a healthy meeting environment the following guidelines will be followed:
- Point of Order: Can be used by any board member if another board member has interrupted or is off agenda topic. The President will render an opinion.
- Agenda Topics will have a maximum of 2 rounds of discussion.
- Round 1 - Each board member is allowed 10 minutes to discuss the topic
- Round 2 - If a board member participated in Round 1 they are allowed an additional 10 minutes IF other board members participated in Round 1
- Community members can raise their hand and when called on will be allowed 1 minute to state an opinion OR ask a clarifying question. Limited to 1 time per agenda topic. The President will answer the question or appoint a specific board member to answer with a 1 minute limit.
Open Community Comments
- Each community member can raise their hand and will have 3 minutes to state their opinion. Limited to 1 time. No rebuttals from any board member allowed on opinions or comments.
- Each community member can raise their hand and when called on will be allowed 1 minute to ask a clarifying question. Limited to 1 time. The President will answer the question or appoint a specific board member to answer with a 1 minute limit.
Motion to clarify Section 8 of the District By-Laws
Following Robert's Rules of Order
Agenda Setting
The President will set any meeting agenda following the guidelines below
- Call for agenda items will be distributed via email (calendar reminder) on the 6th Day of the Month
- Final call for agenda items will be Distributed via email (calendar reminder) on the 9th Day of the Month
- All agenda requests will be added to the agenda
- The agenda will be submitted for posting at least 60 hours prior to the meeting
- The agenda will be posted to the District Website and distributed via District email distribution at least 48 hours prior to the meeting
Meeting Minutes
- Minutes will be produced by the Secretary or their approved delegate.
- Minutes will be a record of what is done at a meeting, not what is said.
- Minutes will be produced from the District Zoom or other approved recording.
- When Zoom or other approved recording is not available, minutes can be produced from a personal recording IF the personal recording can be made available to the community for review and validation.
- Minutes will be limited to the following:
- Name, date, and location of meeting
- Link providing access to the Zoom or other approved recording
- List of Board Member attendees (note presence of a quorum)
- Time meeting was called to order
- Conflict of Interest Affirmations
- Approval of previous meeting minutes
- Motion text and name of maker
- Status/results of motions
- Time meeting was adjourned