Permits and Inspections

The Golden Gate Fire Protection District approves burn permits and conducts driveway inspections as part of the JeffCo Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ) approval process.

Permit and Inspection Fees

Burn Permits

To obtain a burn permit, the Golden Gate Fire Protection District and Jefferson County Burn Permit applications must be completed and approved.

Download and complete the GGFPD Burn Permit and the JeffCo Burn Permit applications and mail both completed applications, with a check made out to “GGFPD” for $50. The complete packet with the two applications and check should be sent to: GGFPD, PO Box 843, Golden, CO 80402.

District personnel will be in contact to schedule a site visit. If the GGFPD permit is approved, mail the GGFPP and the Jefferson County burn permit to JeffCo, along with a JeffCo permit fee, per the instructions on the JeffCo permit application.

Below are the Pile Burning Guidelines from the Colorado Forest to review.

Driveway Survey and Inspection / Plan Review Form

In some cases, Jefferson County may require a driveway survey and inspection for obtain a permit for new construction and significant renovations. If you have been notified to obtain a survey and inspection from the local fire department, please download the below form.